Our Journey to Gentler Coparent

We are the founders of Gentler Coparent, a devoted couple from Texas whose personal journey has been deeply shaped by the challenges of high-conflict divorce and coparenting. Our own experiences in co-parenting alongside a partner with narcissistic tendencies were the catalyst for a profound realization: the pressing need for a specialized tool to support parents in similar situations.

Why We Created Gentler Coparent

The creation of Gentler Coparent stemmed from our heartfelt desire to ease the burdens of others embroiled in the turmoil of high-conflict post-divorce experiences. Witnessing the toll that ongoing conflict takes not only on parents but also on the children involved, we were driven to develop a resource that could help others in reducing conflicts and focusing on the welfare of their children, amid the daily challenges of communication.

Our Mission

Gentler Coparent is a manifestation of our commitment to assisting coparents through their most trying times. Our mission is twofold:

  1. To Foster Constructive Communication: We advocate for effective, empathetic communication as a transformative tool in high-conflict scenarios. Gentler Coparent is crafted to aid coparents in reshaping and refining their communication to be more constructive, peaceful, and child-centric.

  2. To Promote Emotional Well-being: Our tool transcends communication enhancement; it is about fostering the emotional health of both parents and children. We strive to cultivate an environment where the emotional aftermath of divorce does not perpetuate negative family dynamics.

Incorporating Our Faith

In our journey, the creation of Gentler Coparent is also a reflection of our Christian walk, where we aim to live and love more like Jesus every day. This perspective infuses our work with compassion, understanding, and a deep commitment to healing and reconciliation.

Our Commitment

As individuals who have personally navigated these waters, we are passionately devoted to offering a compassionate, insightful, and effective tool. Our dedication to refining Gentler Coparent ensures it responds to the changing needs of families in post-divorce life. We hope that through Gentler Coparent, we can illuminate a path towards a more harmonious and healthy future for families.

Welcome to Gentler Coparent - your starting point for a peaceful co-parenting journey.


With profound concern for our children's wellbeing and privacy, and to shield them from any potential negative impacts of our public involvement with Gentler Coparent, we have opted for anonymity until all our children reach 18. This decision is rooted in our utmost care and consideration for their present and future wellbeing.

Our anonymity is a testament, not to a lack of dedication, but to our commitment to protecting the most vulnerable - our children. By sharing the insights from our journey, we aim to provide valuable support and guidance to those facing similar challenges.

We trust our users will understand and respect our choice to prioritize our children's safety and privacy. It's our earnest prayer that this decision doesn't hinder our goal of offering genuine support to those in need. Gentler Coparent is more than a service - it's a symbol of resilience, hope, and the unwavering pursuit of a peaceful co-parenting environment, even in the toughest circumstances.

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receiving help on coparenting

Discover a New Path

In the aftermath of a divorce, especially one marked by high conflict, the journey of co-parenting can feel overwhelmingly turbulent. It's a path riddled with challenges, misunderstandings, and emotional upheaval, not just for you but, most importantly, for your children.

We understand because we've been there. That's why we created Gentler Coparent. Our service isn't just a tool; it's a companion in your journey to rebuild a peaceful, cooperative, and child-focused co-parenting relationship. It's a bridge towards understanding, empathy, and effective communication.

We invite you to try Gentler Coparent, not just as a solution but as a partner in transforming your co-parenting experience. Our approach is tailored to ease the emotional burdens and pave the way for a harmonious future for your family. Here, you'll find support, guidance, and the resources to turn conflict into cooperation.

Join us on this journey. For the sake of your peace, for the happiness of your children, for a future where co-parenting is not a challenge, but a rewarding partnership. Try Gentler Coparent today – let's navigate this path together.



Curious about how Gentler Coparent can transform your co-parenting journey? Dive into our FAQs to discover more!